The Remote Revolution: How Working from Home Empowers Employees

The Remote Revolution: How Working from Home Empowers Employees

What is Remote Working?

Remote work is a flexible working style that enables professionals to perform their tasks outside of a conventional office setting. It operates on the principle that work can be effectively completed without being confined to a particular location.

Imagine it like this: instead of traveling to an office daily to work from an assigned desk, remote employees can complete their projects and exceed their goals from any location they choose. This flexibility allows individuals to work from anywhere and structure their days in a way that maximises both employees professional and personal lives, enabling them to coexist harmoniously.

How do people do it?

There are lots of different ways people can engage in remote work, and that's what makes it so appealing – individuals can choose a work style that best fits their lives.

For instance, some people primarily work remotely but may need to commute to the office for in-person meetings one day a week. Typically, these remote employees work from home offices or nearby cafés, and they can go to their company's office when needed.

In some instances, individuals can use coworking spaces to work, coworking spaces act as hubs of productivity, community and technology, offering fantastic networking opportunities where you can meet other like-minded people in a variety of industries. These spaces can be seen as a ‘halfway point’ between their home and place of work, with the necessary amenities of a traditional office but the comfort and space of a local café – this can allow for higher productivity and lower stress levels.

Other remote workers take full advantage of the opportunity/possibilities, some travel home to their home country to visit family, but also work their 9-5 job without worrying about taking unneeded holidays. Others decide to hit the road and clear their mind exploring new places whilst working remotely, allowing a worker to feel completely free and creative whilst still completing tasks and objectives.

What is the difference between working remotely and working from home?

The rise of remote work has led to various flexible working arrangements, such as working from home (WFH) and the hybrid work model. But what do these terms mean?

Remote work is often conflated with WFH, although they are not the same things. While working from home is a form of remote work, not all remote work occurs at home. Remote work refers to any work done outside a traditional office environment, whether from home, a café, or any other location.

The key difference is that remote work can be done from anywhere, without being tied to a specific location. This flexibility allows remote-first companies to have teams spread across the globe. Conversely, working from home means working specifically from your home, often with the expectation that you reside in the same city as your company to attend occasional in-person meetings.

What does the Hybrid work model mean? 

Generally, hybrid working refers to a combination of remote and in-person work. Nowadays, it serves as an umbrella term for various flexible working arrangements. In most companies, a hybrid work model allows employees to work remotely on some days while requiring them to be in the office on specific days. The exact arrangement depends on the company and is usually outlined in the job description. This model is also known as ‘partially remote.’

Hybrid working has become popular among many companies, as it offers employees the best of both worlds: the freedom and autonomy to choose their work location on certain days, and the opportunity to benefit from office facilities and socialise with colleagues on other days. Additionally, it enables companies to communicate important decisions through in-person presentations and meetings.

Why do people do it?

Variety of working environments – As mentioned, remote workers can choose where to work from, they don’t have to work in isolation. So, when they are feeling in need of motivation inspiration, they can quickly change their entire location to freshen things up.

Freedom to move - If a remote worker is in the mood to fly away for a few days, they can! There is no need for them to use up their limited annual holiday days, as long as there is a stable internet connection, feel free to work from the Maldives.

More autonomy over how you work - It’s not just where they work, remote workers have control over, but also how they work. Depending on whether you need to blast loud music, have complete silence or just simply break up the day in a different manner than you usually would in the office – you can work in your best way without the pressure of the office environment.

It can also be beneficial for mental health, allowing people to have the space they require in whatever environment they choose – whilst still working and keeping up to date with tasks.

If you are a remote worker, below is a guide on how to take advantage of it and build a healthy work/life balance:

Continue to develop

Working remotely can make you feel as if you aren’t progressing, be sure to be active and ask your team for any training courses that are available to help your career development. You can also do online courses for personal development, whether that’s learning a new language or mastering chess – there are unlimited options online.

Remember to stay connected

Although you aren’t physically next to your colleagues, you can still collaborate and work together. Scheduling a video call with your fellow work mates is a great way to be social and iron out any work-related queries. Joining a new role remotely can feel a lot different to usual, so don’t hesitate to get support from your workplace – speak with your manager or HR team about any issues or concerns you have.

Stay active

Remember to take regular breaks and take advantage of your remote working capabilities, take a stroll around the local area or read a book on your bed to destress and be ready for work. You can take it a step further and literally work from anywhere, if you are in the mood for a trip to the beach or visiting a new town for a day, you can!  

Stay focused

Create a designated area for you to work in, make it private and away from other distractions within your house. This can allow you to have more of a defined work/life balance, separating your home and your workspace. If you find it difficult to concentrate at home, find a local café with Wi-FI, there is a large remote working community in every city – get out there and connect with new people in the same situation as you! Remote working can also allow you to figure out and discover the best way you work; you could be an early bird who gets all their tasks completed before 10am or a night owl who is super-productive at 10pm!

Look after yourself

If you are a remote worker, remember to take advantage of the benefits and take care of yourself, make the extra effort to use your kitchen and make a healthy lunch rather than grabbing a sandwich from the shop. Remember to switch off and stop working when your shift is over, it can be easy to continue working and flick through your emails in front of the TV – separate your work life from your home life.